Friday, September 26, 2014

Ugly Formulas But Your Rug Needs Them, I Swear.

We can't always have every colour in our rugs be drop dead gorgeous on their own, some don't get their glory on until they are in a setting. They like a party! When you look at this wall of wool of mine you don't see the dim ones.... but they are in their making all the others look outstanding!

Oh wall of wool I miss seeing you, soon we shall be together again when Fraken Foot heals!

Here are two nothing colours that can do a lot for our rugs.
Over 1/4 yd. of natural wool using Majic Carpet Dyes, dye bath method described below.
(you can use which ever dyes you choose for somewhat similar though not exact results)

Campbells Mushroom Soup
½ inch damp toothpick Orange
½ inch damp toothpick Blue
1/4 inch of damp toothpick Reddish Brown ( maybe Mochachino might do it)
Turned Mint Jelly
1/64 tsp. Red Violet (double amount if using American Beauty or Magenta)
2/32 tsp. Moss Green ( a medium yellow green)
1/64 tsp. Turquoise  ( use Pro Chem Seabreeze or  1/128th  ProChem Turquoise)

Wet wool with an additive such as shampoo, Jet Dry or Synthrapol to prepare it to dye.  Heat a receptacle of water to dye in, for the smooth dyeing of ¼ yd use approx. 1 gallon of water.  Add dye formula into the dye bath, making sure it is dissolved.
 Add wool. Heat at simmer for several minutes stirring for smooth application of dye. Add in 1/32 to 1/4tsp citric acid depending how dark the colour, about 10 minutes into the process or until most of the dye is taken up. The latter is what I do. Continue heating until the water is perfectly clear or per your own directives.  Rinse well, use dryer or hang to dry.

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