Sunday, February 24, 2013

Curtailed but Happy as a Lark

Get ready for this, it might take concentration to follow along.
If I sit down I cannot get up.
If I stand up I cannot sit down because I cannot get up once I sit.
Sometimes I cannot lay down.
If I'm by my self I'm up the creek.
I am going steady with a massager, not a massuer mind you. Let's get that straight.
We meet morning, noon and night and often between, true love!

Ok let's list now for the curious or just bored the things I do sitting down, some of them involving you.
anything on my computer
sit ups  ok those never happened at the best of times

This is why my blog is unattended, why I have nothing to report.

Now let's list the things I can do:
feed cats
feed squirrels
feed Man
open packages
sort wool strippettes
use my massager
That's how I'm pretty much living life in that order  Because I can't sit down I go skiing twice a day out of bordeom, I skiied over 3 hours yesterday.

Speaking of boredom, let's talk about this:
One wonderful package this week was from Heavens to Betsy, remnants, 10lbs, I love each and every one. I love hooking with bits, so needing invention and creative thinking, it feeds my brain this method!
Combining several ingredients to make a single unified area tickles my fancy, like cooking you get a sense of the salty, the sweet, the sour and the hot and if you can include that mysterious unami, well done. Make rug making both more interesting to look at and to do.

My strippettes came from my dear departed hooking helpmate Sue Raynor. It is just like having her here with me, her colour presence was strong and wonderful, the dark orange reds, the oranges, the golden brown and Indian green she loved so well. We had a commune through those strips that was joyful and merry and content, just like Sue.
Talking about colour and their meaningfulness you might like this:

This message has been brought to you standing at my conductor's pulpit which is not conducive to fast hand mind co-ordination.
Be well.

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